
Picking up items

Each time you pick up a unique or set item for the first time on any character on the given account it will count towards your Holy grail. There are a few rules that are validated each time though to prevent cheating. It's not possible to pick up items and give them to a character on another account and have it counted towards their grail.

Since this is account based, feel free to farm on any character to get items counted towards your grail. This includes all ladder and non-ladder characters and hardcore and softcore ones. As long as they’re on your account it counts.


  • The character has to be in the game when the item drops
  • The item cannot be picked up on one account and then transfered to another account for their grail.

Announcements in game

All items are announced in game from the *grail bot when it's added to your grail. However there are exceptions for this with ambiguous uniques such as Sacred Armor, to keep the suspense going in case you find a super rare item. Full list below.

Items that are not announced in game

  • Unique Sacred Armor
  • Unique Thunder Maul
  • Unique Scourge
  • Unique Mighty Scepter
  • Unique Spired Helm
  • Unique Legendary Mallet
  • Unique Rings
  • Unique Amulets